Intervale Country Club

Golf has been played at the site of ICC since 1898. ICCs history has very close ties to the City of Manchester’s own industrial history. The Amoskeag Textile Club took over management of the course in 1927 with its primary goal to provide mill workers and area residents a place to enjoy recreational golf at a reasonable cost to the consumer. In 1934, the Intervale Land Company was formed and charged with the perpetual oversight of ICC as prescribed by the Amoskeag Textile Club. To this day, ICC and the Intervale Land Company hold this as the highest tenant of our existence.
During the Great Flood of 1936, ICC was devastated by the deposit of silt over its fairways and greens. The members even considered abandoning the course. However, the internal fortitude so prevalent of Manchester residents at the time pushed a few board members to work with the clubs grounds crew on limited resources to restore the course and continue play. Intervale’s members continue to demonstrate the same resourcefulness and determination as our founding fathers to make our course what it is today.
Some information provided courtesy of The New Hampshire Union Leader